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发布时间:2011-03-15 阅读量:282


2011 World Autism Day


To commemorate and response April 2rd, “The UN World Autism Day”, and strengthen the realization on autism, We hold the forth sector “Autistic or Artistic “ children paintings exhibition, which is jointly organized by Beijing Association for Rehabilitation of Autistic Children, Beijing Culture Development Foundation, Inside-out Art Museum and T.R Media. We try to help those unfortunate families, improve the quality of their life and offer the chance to show their art genius. This exhibition will show about 200 paintings of nearly 80 children across the country and establish the first “autistic children art education studio”. Meanwhile, the opening includes the TV drama boot ceremony which tells a story about autistic children.


We get together to enjoy their paintings, to realize their life condition, to support them. We hope each kid can feel the happiness of art creation, and everyone can see their genius and joy. While trying to improve their condition, at the same time, we change ourselves. We will work together to build a modern, civilized and harmonious and beautiful homeland.




Beijing Association for Rehabilitation of Autistic Children


BARAC is founded in December 1993, is a registered non-governmental organization approved by Beijing Administrative Office for Social Groups

协会以关爱和帮助孤独症(自闭症)儿童及其家庭为宗旨,以孤独症及相关障碍人士的特殊需要为工作导向,积极服务并倡导互助、自救。 作为民间社团,协会将为孤独症儿童及其家庭以及所有关注和从事这一领域工作的专业和非专业人士提供一个工作、服务、研究、交流与沟通的平台,同时努力建构民间与政府、家庭与社会、病患与常人之间的桥梁,让障碍人士融入社会大家庭,和谐生活,快乐人生。

The sole purpose of BARAC is to help and show loving care for autistic children and their parents. The Work Orientation is autism and all related disease. We advocate of helping each other and self-rescue. As a civil social group, we provide a platform to work, service, research and communication for autistic children and family[FS:PAGE] and all professional and everyday people who engaged in the field. Meanwhile, we try to build a bridge between folk and government, family and society, patients with normal.


Association has legal personality. The leading group is composed of Board of Directors with the president, Professor Yang Xiao ling of Institute of Mental Health, Beijing University as its core.


Inside-out art museum


Inside-out art museum is located in the west of culture avenue Haidian District. It is a comprehensive contemporary art institution which is few in the west of Beijing. Our mission is promoting the cultural exchange and collaboration between China and the World in this Era of globalization; and motivating the Chinese culture spread and the development of Chinese fine arts that encourages the exchange and fusion between China and the whole world in culture& art areas. Through lots of activities such as exhibition, forum, lecture, salon, we provide a platform to get in touch with foreign art and promote Chinese art.


Powerful expert team, professional project planning group and effective operation team are gathered for Inside-out art museum, whose efforts and works create the opportunities for art enthusiasm and students.


As an expansive platform, Inside-out art museum is attracting more and more international relevant institutes or individuals from America, Germany, France, England etc, to come to the brand new Exchange Base of Artists. Every year, the art museum would recommend or accept the artists of painting, sculpture, design and photography areas to live and creation in foreign country, also welcome the artists from device, new media, music & dance, or sociology and literature etc. It hopes to promote the realization of art theory and work environment in both sides, and hold targeted exhibition, forum, research and publication.





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